You may (or may not) have noticed some new sparkly additions to our Jewelry collection. That's right! The Prink Room now has beautiful Moissanite jewelry. What is moissanite you may ask?

What is Moissanite?
Moissanite is a diamond simulant made of silicon carbide. A diamond simulant is a stone that has a similar appearance to a diamond but is not a real diamond. It is very difficult to tell apart a diamond & moissanite, making moissanite a common diamond alternative.

Will Moissanite pass a diamond test?
Unlike faux diamonds and other gemstones, moissanite is also an effective conductor of heat. For this reason, when using a diamond tester that detects thermal conductivity, moissanite will pass as a diamond.
Is moissanite worth buying?
Moissanites are strong, long-lasting gemstones. A moissanite should last for your entire life without losing its appearance or becoming damaged. If you choose a setting that's made from a high-quality metal such as platinum or gold, a moissanite ring will last for a very long time.
Why are Moissanites so cheap?
As Moissanite is grown in a laboratory, they do not have the usual cost of digging, shipping and the discovery of a common mineral diamond. So, the Moissanite rings and jewelry cost less per carat than a diamond engagement ring, yet they are a little better. This means a lot of bang for your money.
Do people sell fake moissanite?
There are a lot of fake moissanite on the market, or zircon is used instead of moissanite. After wearing it for a long time, it will become white and black. Rest assured that all of The Pink Room moissanite jewelry comes with an authenticity appraisal.
Is moissanite OK for an engagement ring?
Moissanite is durable This hardness makes it an ideal choice for an engagement ring as you're going to be wearing your engagement ring everyday. Diamonds are still the most durable stone on the market however, ranking a 10 on the Mohs Scale.
Does moissanite lose its sparkle?
Moissanite does not lose its sparkle, and, with proper love and care, your grandchildren will also be able to enjoy this dazzling gemstone generations on!
Below is a chart containing valuable information pertaining to the difference between diamond and moissanite.
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